
Fizyka to zabawa

gotowanie z dzieckiem

Jak wszystkim wiadomo, ludzie najszybciej nauczą się czegoś, jeśli ma to związek z zabawą. I nie dotyczy to tylko małych dzieci. System kształcenia nie jest niestety nastawiony na zabawę i doświadczenia, co powoduje, że naukę zaczynamy traktować jako nużące, trudne zajęcie. A naukę przedmiotów ścisłych w szczególności. Ray Hall prowadzi na Instagramie profil @physicsfun, i jeśli nie lubiliście fizyki w szkole to zachęcamy Was do śledzenia tego profilu.

Zobaczcie, jak można przedstawić dzieciom (i nie tylko) różne zjawiska fizyczne i sprawić, że stanie się dla nich najciekawszym przedmiotem w szkole 🙂

Drinking Bird Heat Engine: time lapse of 15 minutes into 15 seconds (4 cycles). Cooling by evaporation at the head leads to lower pressure in the top bulb, the dichloromethane fluid rises up the neck making the bird top heavy and the bird tips over dipping its beak and letting the fluid return to the bottom bulb. The time lapse allows a clearer picture of how the fluid rises, shifting the center of mass, and how tipping makes the glass column lift out of the fluid in the bottom allowing the pressure to equalize and letting gravity pull the fluid to return to the base. Process repeats as long as the top stays wet. So much physics in one hypnotic toy! ➡️ Follow the link in my profile to buy one of these birds and many other physics toys featured here on @physicsfun #engine #heat #heatengine #thermodynamics #drinkingbird #physics #physicstoy #cycle #timelapse #dippybird #dunkingbird #simpleengine #vaporpressure #latentheat #mechanicalwork #physicsfun #science #scienceisawesome

Post udostępniony przez physicsfun (@physicsfun)

Mirror Anamorphosis: this famous print by artist István Orosz has a hidden anamorphic image revealed by placing a mirrored cylinder over the depiction of the moon in the image. The work visualizes a scene from the book “The Mysterious Island” by the science-fiction author Jules Verne- whose portrait emerges in the reflection on the cylinder. The math describing this mapping is quite complex and was described first in a physics journal in 2000. ➡️ To learn more and to find out where to get this poster please follow the link in my @physicsfun profile. #math #mathtoy #anamorphos #art #physics #physicstoy #mirror #cylinder #Orosz #IstvanOrosz #science #anamorphic #anamorphicart #scienceisawesome #anamorphosis #JulesVerne #cylindrical #perspective #mirrorAnamorphosis #mathstoy #geometricprojection

Post udostępniony przez physicsfun (@physicsfun)

Magnetic Field Lines Sculpture: nails suspended by thin chain point in the direction of the magnetic field of a neodymium dipole magnet. Ferromagnetic substances (such as the iron in nails) become temporary magnets when in the presence of an external magnetic field. Here the nails are placed in the field of a powerful neodymium magnet. The top of the ball magnet is a south pole, so the tips of all the nails become north poles and actually repel each other. ➡️ Follow the link in my profile for info on where to get many of the items featured here on @physicsfun #magnets #magneticfield #magneticforce #physics #physicstoy #kineticart #ferromagnetism #neodymium #nails #science #art #steel #iron #scienceisawesome #Bfield

Post udostępniony przez physicsfun (@physicsfun)

Po więcej zapraszamy na profil @physicsfun

Originally posted 2017-03-17 09:30:22.

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